For every bath where I can, I take some time to maintain and pluck my pussy for my Sweet Master. Master so loves and cares for me and he is impressed with the the many ways I honor him so he has asked me to share one of my activities.
Yes! you read that correctly- I do not shave- well I do my arm-pits but not my pussy. She gets extra care and attention, and I determine that there should never be whiskers on this kitty.
Only the finest of down, and on some occasions I can get it so smooth that it is difficult for Master to encounter a single one and all he can feel is it's silky . . . smooth . . . . . moist . . . . . softness.
It was after one such session about 2 weeks ago that I had a luxurious bath and time to anticipate what exciting things that Master might have planned for that evening. He asked if I would be comfortable explaining the process I use. I admit that this is a bit intimidating for me, as I tend to be a very private person, - especially when it comes to my umm private parts!
The truth is that anytime that Master would enter the bathroom to gaze upon my naked body I have always stopped whatever I was plucking because I am shy even in front of him. I am learning however to be more free all the time. I can learn to trust Master more all the time, because I am gaining more confidence in Master's trustworthiness.
As I age, my once near perfect body-shape is slowly losing ground. New wrinkles pop up like early crocuses, while everything else seems headed south. I can hope that by the time it reaches the South Pole that some parts might retain some form via freezing! Like everyone else I know- I am not all that happy with my new features that maturity brings, but on the other hand I would not trade who and what I know for anything not even perfect "beauty" And ever so fortunate for me- Master Samadhi considers the most beautiful woman is the one who has inward beauty and wisdom.
It always amazes me that love and trust both are earned and they both grow. For example a child looks up to his mother and says "Mommy, I wuve you!" and he means that with all his soul and might. But try as he might the child can not comprehend the full significance of love. He simply has not had the time or opportunity to gather understanding, not from lack of zeal, or passion. Love grows. Trust is very much the same. Placing trust in someone is not the same as one who has earned that trust.
All right now, back to the subject!
I didn't always pluck. Razors have touched my pussy and because of the discomfort that was caused by regrowth, it was not all that frequent, and there was no one to inspire me anyway. So I just kept my lonely pussy a quick trim and a little pat and kept her in the dark.
Nor does plucking happen in a day. It takes time, there are a lot of little bunnies (hares/hairs) that can be elusive, and some of them don't like to leave as they are dug in and removing too many could result in infection unless careful. Therefore patience is the key. And persistence.
Oh and yes, I tried a number of methods at first' then settled for Latex gloves. I have allergies to the powder, but the perfect option are the ones that offer sticky grip but have a smooth inside to allow easy hand entry. No others will work- they have a surface that will not grip. I did try cold wax, but either it didn't work, or I was a complete failure in my methods.
I began plucking them from the inside of my thighs, and working across the outer labia. After the strongest shafted hairs are out of the way, it is fairly easy to "strip" the downy ones. It never ceases to amaze me how quickly they pop back up there- And I am sure that those scared lil rabbits duck back into their pores and hide when they see my latex gloved hand sneaking around.

You'd be amazed at the amount of work it takes to clear the taint area and now reach further and find the weird sensation you get when you coax them from the back-door! Yikes! Also the ones along the crevice under the butt are really good at hiding.
Now you can get quite creative over the mound, leaving some, none, or a lot. Make shapes, leave a fringe. Always, it can be a pleasant activity spent while soaking in a nice warm tub. The bonus is that every now and then a wave of tingly passes thru my spine as the Kundilini awakens.